wsl-10-3t microcomputer suitable for protection of overload and short circuit of power supply circuit of urban and rural, transformer and electric motor, and able to achieve data telecommunication through rs485 communication contact.
the protector is three-phase overcurrent protection for high-voltage switch cabinet with lcd display. it has overcurrent protection, lock-rotation quick-break protection, short-circuit quick-break protection, overcurrent deferred action (definite time limit, inverse time limit), quick-break deferred action(definite time limit), overcurrent start block delay(when start delay 0 sec, protector will be general overcurrent quick-break protection). all kind of actuating signal has retain and reset function.
the protector use definite time limit and inverse time limit design, that means the greater the current act on relay, the shorter the action time will be, otherwise action time will be longer. so this series product especially suitable for overload protection of 10kv high-voltage long line, transformer and electric motor.
动作方式:action mode
able to select one route main contact's overcurrent and quick-break both act, another route as signal contact alarm.(11/12 function)
able to select one route main contact's quick-break act, another route